초목류 wild flower/가지과 Solanaceae

목배풍등 Solanum laxum

ktk8837 2016. 3. 29. 14:00





목배풍등 Solanum laxum, potato vine, jasmine nightshade, 감자꽃자스민, 도라지, 학명 Solanum jasminoides 'Album' 가지과의 여러해살이풀. 남미 원산. 가지끝에 흰색, 옅은 보라색인 별모양의 꽃이 20여개씩 모여 핀다. laxum은 라틴어 laxus(늘어진, 느슨한)에서 왔다.

Solanum jasminoides, commonly called the potato vine, grows in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Originally from the Brazilian jungles, the potato vine is a half-hardy evergreen or semievergreen climbing vine that rapidly grows up to 30 feet long. It blooms almost continuously and produces fragrant clusters of purple-tinged white star-shaped blossoms. Plant the potato vine in April or May, and let it twine through a shrub, over a fence or through a garden bed. 공주농업센터.

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